On Tuesday 17th May 22, KNSTE collaborated with Seabridge Primary School Radio Station and Blackfriars Academy to display teacher superpowers through clay work. The afternoon was also intended to give children cultural capital when it comes to the importance of clay in our locality giving them a chance to get hands on with clay.

It was a wonderful afternoon with fantastic ideas coming from all the participants including creating a ‘cup full of knowledge’ and designing a lightbulb as teachers help to flourish ‘bright ideas’ from their class. There were also designs including: feathers to demonstrate how teachers are magic and can fly; bees because they are always busy; caterpillars and butterflies because they help you grow and even an alien design because teachers are OUT OF THIS WORLD!

A big thank you to all the children, Trainees and staff for an amazing afternoon to launch this superb project.

Release your superpower…TEACH!

Read our recent article in The Sentinel to see more about the fantastic afternoon.

Find out more about training to teach with KNSTE by following our social media pages. If you would like to attend one of our open days, you can register your interest at: https://knste-shaw.org.uk/events/